Non-Fiction | Writing Skills
So you want to write a book . . .
MAKING MAGIC WITH WORDS offers easy-to-understand advice on Writing, Editing, and a wide variety of Publishing topics—206,000+ words designed to get you started on your writing project, support you every step along the way, and advise you on what comes after “The End.” Topics range from choosing a genre to the difference between an editor and a copyeditor. From how to develop your characters to the nitty-gritty of punctuation. From Point of View, “Hooks,” and Show vs. Tell to helpful aids like ASCII codes, Microsoft codes, and how to work with Track Changes. From “Edit the Blasted Book” to Where and How to submit. MAKING MAGIC WITH WORDS also includes step-by-step instructions on many of those tricky little technical problems we have to cope with in the Age of Computers, such as how to change manual tabs to automatic. Hopefully, everything you need to inspire you to sit down and write, keep at it ’til you’re done, and help you through “what comes next.”