After nine print book, I plunged into indie publishing in the winter of 2011 and never looked back. I currently have over thirty novels and novellas available online, with at least four books in the pipeline for the coming year. Long an advocate of indie publishing, I consider hand-held e-readers one of the great boons to mankind-thank you very much, Gene Roddenberry (creator of Star Trek).
I happily admit to being an "out of the mist" author. My favorite saying is: I can hardly wait to get up each morning, go to my computer, and find out what my characters are going to do today.
In addition to writing in multiple genres, I have been offering Writing and Editing tips on my blog, Grace's Mosaic Moments, since the winter of 2011 (link below). These posts range from how to transform manual tab stops to auto, to Point of View, Characterization, Rule Breaking, How to Write a Bad Book, and much, much more.
Link to Blair's blog, which primarily features helpful hints on writing and editing: mosaicmoments.blogspot.com.
Email: blairbancroft@aol.com
Twitter: @blairbancroft